Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Kecoh!! RV.

Sebagaimana yang kita ketahui..di cuba sebaik mungkin untuk memberi penjelasan sejelas jelasnya..Jadi cara yang sebaik baiknya adalah dengan berkongsi maklumat/intel yang telah diberitahu akhir akhir ini dari sumber maklumat yang tidak mudah serta alasan untuk diragui..Sumber ini datang dari beberapa individu dan dari tempat yang berbeza..
1)Telah diberitahu bahawa kita berada dalam lingkungan 90 hari..(RV)..Dimana kita akhirnya akan melihat perubahan kenaikan nilai Dinar Iraq

2 )Menurut maklumat yang diberi kita berkemungkinan..diulangi berkemungkinan akn melihat perubahan kenaikan nilai Dinar Iraq se awal 15hb September..

3)Telah diberitahu bahawasanya Perubahan kenaikan nilai Dinar Iraq ini adalah mutakhir/imminent dan kritikal sehingga menyebabkan perubahan bakal berlaku di dalam secara global

4)Telah diberitahu bahawa beban hutang yang ditanggung oleh kesatuan Eropah telah menimbulkan sebegitu masaalah di dalam sebahagian besar di dalam sistem kewangan dunia..dimana menyegerakan kenaikan nilai Dinar Iraq adalah kritikal..sangat diperlukan dan sangat diharapkan..demi membantu kerajaan negara negara yang berkenaan dan juga institusi institusi di serata dunia..demi mewujudkan satu kelahiran semula dan menyegarkan lantas mewujudkan satu sistem hutang (debt system) yang baru..

Dikongsi kan segala info info dan maklumat terkini untuk saudara dan saudari halusi,berfikir secara kritis lantas membuat penilaian peribadi apa yang tertera di atas dan selama ini yang diberi saban minggu..saya juga secara peribadi sentiasa memperhalusi dan menapis sebaik mungkin demi untuk memberi info serta maklumat yang tinggi peratusan nilai kesahihannya untuk berkongsi bersama anda semua..Saya tidak ada sebab untuk tidak mempercayai maklumat maklumat yang diberi ini..kerana mereka yang memberi maklumat ini tidak mempunyai agenda apa pun..selain melihat RV menjadi realiti..Kita bersama seluruh penduduk Iraq,Amerika China,UK,Australia malah sebahagian besar dunia menanti dengan penuh harapan,menanti penuh debaran..dan juga doa..Saudara dan saudari kita tidak berseorangan di dalam pelaburan keatas Dinar Iraq yang unik ini..

Friday, 2 September 2011

Why is the Iraqi Dinar said to be the “next Microsoft of our time?

The currency was issued following the aftermath of the fall of the Saddam administration in the year 2003. Before the gulf war, it was on record that the Kuwait’s Dinar was traded to equal $3.55 of the US dollar. During the invasion of Saddam, the Kuwait Dinar dropped to an astonishing low rate of 6 pennies to the Dollar. People with sound predictions and predictions bought the currency, and raked in huge profits when the price stepped up a year later to its value prior to the war. Before the Second World War, the Iraqi Dinar was sold between a range of $.33 to $3.35. So, the possibilities are obvious. That is to say that, even if there is shift to just one penny, you will still profit for sure. In a speech, G.W. Bush stated: “We also want to leave the Iraqi people with a strong Dinar”. The 15th of October 2003 ushered in the creation of the New Iraqi Dinar. Ever since that time, the international demand for the new currency has steadily been on the increase.

Strong Asset Base: Iraq, being the second largest producer of oil in the world, has reserves of over $10 trillion quoting the current market value. Consequently, the US government is spending billions in creating a vibrant Iraq capital economy. Pepsi is also taking advantage of the inherent opportunities in the oil-rich nation and is starting commercial business in the country. No doubt, the economy is fast recovering! Communications Infrastructures too are not left out as AT&T, Motorola and Lockheed Martin are waxing stronger in their operations. The American University training too is on-going in Iraq. General Electric is also raking huge profits from its operations.

Given that the strength of a country’s currency is a function of the economic status, indications are that the Iraqi Dinar will be waxing stronger. Right now, over 400,000 jobs have been created for the Iraqis by American programs. In addition to the local firms currently stationed there, big firms from all over the world are trouping into the country to help build a new Iraq. As a way of stabilizing the financial system and make it of high international standards, financial entities such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and IMF (International Monetary Fund), with other banking organizations like the World Bank are working tirelessly with the Government of Iraq. 

Once this aim is achieved, the value of the Iraqi Dinar will be outstanding. The belief is that with a boost in the Iraqi currency, more investors and currency traders will be lured into the financial market, so that there will be a financial market that is free-flowing. The presence of improved infrastructure, enhanced security, viable domestic and foreign investment boosts the chance of Iraq to continue to grow and flourish. With total commitment and success on the part of the people, government, the nation’s currency will appreciate in value. Iraq is reputed for a top quality crude oil that is affordable. Compared with the prices of other oil producing nations, the cost of oil production is very affordable because, there are only a few impurities or problems associated with the crude oil drilling process. Therefore, the profit margin of oil production in the country is highest compared to what obtains in other surrounding oil-producing regions. 
Once the economy is stabilized, the GDP rate will increase, so high that no other oil-producing regions will surpass the country.

Iraqi Dinar Revaluation ~ Projections for the Future
Economists and financial experts are of the view that the Iraq economy will rise back to greatness so that the currency will approach a value of three Dinars to a dollar. They are of the opinion that the Iraqi economy will approach enviable heights by the year 2013. As at now, the value of a million Iraqi Dinars is not up to one thousand US dollars. History has it that the worth of one million Iraqi Dinars was once equal to 3 million US dollars. It is remarkable that Iraq possesses huge deposits of crude oil despite the fact that vast areas of the land have not been geologically discovered with the latest sophisticated seismic technology. Currently, Iraq boasts of at least 115 billion barrels of crude oil reserves according to the surveys done in the past. 

Nevertheless, the Iraqi government has publicized its claims that the country has massive reserves of petroleum which could be the largest on the planet. Financial analysts believe that even if the equivalent value of an Iraqi Dinar is equal to $0.26 (US Dollar), the lowest valued currency in the Mainstream Middle Eastern Countries, then a million Dinars will be equal to 260 thousand US Dollars. According to studies in late 2003, the Iraqi economy has been recovering so that there is a steady rise in natural resources conversion. 

Consequently, there has been a steady increase in the value of the currency. It is also worthy of note that there is a worldwide shortage of oil leading to soaring prices of crude oil in the global market. Currently, currencies in the oil-rich Middle Eastern countries surpass the Iraqi Dinar in value. The Chinese and Indian economies are waxing stronger and will continue to do so. Therefore, there is bound to be increase in the demand for oil and in addition, the value of the currencies. As a result, there are indications that the Iraqi currency will increase in value so that its value will need to be re-evaluated to commiserate with the economic growth of the country. From the look of things, CBI is taking part in a study to find out how the value on the Dinar can be raised.

Monday, 15 August 2011


Berita baik!Baru-baru ini keluar berita di TV dan Surat Khabar bahawa Malaysia akan membuka semula kedutaannya di BAGHDAD dalam tempoh 3 bulan dari sekarang.Malaysia adalah sebuah negara yang begitu konservatif dalam pelaburan antarabangsa. Dalam keadaan negara lain sanggup meneroka pelaburan dan perniagaan di Iraq,Burma,Vietnam, secara agresif, tapi Malaysia masih berhati-hati memulakannya.
Dalam keadaan syarikat minyak antarabangsa telah lama meneroka di Iraq sejak 7 tahun yang lalu, PETRONAS baru sahaja memulakannya pada tahun lalu.

Maka dengan pembukaan Kedutaan Malaysia di Iraq ini, ianya menjadi satu "PETANDA ARAS" bahawa kerajaan Malaysia sudah begitu yakin dengan keamanan di Iraq.Sedangkan anda masih ragu-ragu potensi Iraq? Kita sepatutnya selari sependapat dengan dasar negara kita. Kebetulan pula hubungan Iraq dan Kuwait dengan negara-negara lain mula pulih seperti sediakala, mesra dan jelas dari segi perundangan antarabangsa.
Sebenarnya kita kini di fasa terakhir menunggu RV.
Dah tak lama dah tu..Sabar!!!
Nasihat kepada mereka yang belum memiliki dinar Iraq..cepatlah bertindak sebelum terlewat!

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Teori Pusingan Ekonomi Iraq

Asas Pertama - Teori Pusingan Ekonomi.

Teori ini mengandaikan pusingan sesuatu ekonomi ialah 7 tahun atau 10 tahun. Matawang yang jatuh akan kembali semula ke nilai asal selepas 7 atau 10 tahun. Jika 7 tahun, maka pada tahun ini lah Dinar akan diapungkan. Maka ada yang meramalkan selepas 31 Ogos iaitu tarikh akhir pengunduran tentera Amerika dari Iraq, Dinar akan naik semula. Ada juga yang meramalkan selepas pembentangan Baget Iraq 2011 pada akhir tahun ini. Maka tidak hairan sekali jika ada peramal dalaman Iraq yang menggerentikan DINAR AKAN NAIK PADA FEBRUARI 2011,


Jika andaian Teori Pusingan Ekonomi 10 tahun, maka Dinar akan naik pada 2013. Andaian ini bersamaan dengan Asas Kedua, mengapa Dinar akan naik iaitu kerana HASIL MINYAK IRAQ. Pada 2013, keluaran minyak Iraq dijangka 5 ke 7 juta tong sehari. Maka ianya suatu yang amat logik. Apakah Iraq yang mengeluarkan minyak 5 atau 7 juta tong sehari lebih lemah nilai mata wangnya berbanding dengan RM, dalam keadaan Malaysia hanya mengeluarkan minyak 700,000 tong sehari. Maka nilai Dinar Iraq paling kurang hendaklah bersamaan RM 1.00.

Maka jika Iraq tidak mengapungkan matawangnya, maka Iraq akan mengamalkan ekonomi songsang kerana Iraq membiarkan matawangnya tidak laku di pasaran walhal matawangnya amat tinggi nilainya. Apabila Malaysia menambat RM pada 1998, ianya terpaksa dilepaskan pada 2005 kerana matawangnnya makin menguat. Dasar mengapungkan wang adalah satu dasar utama sesuatu negara. Tambahan pula negara yang tinggi nilai hasil dan ekspotnya.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Strengthening Iraq

Since 2003, the United States has been an active partner to help Iraqis strengthen their democracy, build civil society, improve security, and re-integrate fully into the regional and global community and economy. Since 2009, we have worked through the U.S. Iraq Strategic Framework Agreement to reinvigorate this partnership in a range of sectors, including democracy-building, security, education, energy, trade, health, culture, information technology, law enforcement, and judicial cooperation.
We have made a substantial investment and great sacrifices to bring about progress. We have strengthened Iraq’s democracy, rule of law, and civil society. We have helped rebuild its security infrastructure and helped Iraq rejoin the international community after decades of isolation. Our support – with significant assistance from international partners since 2003 – has helped Iraq successfully conduct five major elections or referenda since 2004, including two parliamentary elections. Over 12 million Iraqis voted in the 2010 parliamentary election – a 62 percent turnout. The U.S. has also substantially assisted Iraq’s new parliament, the Council of Representatives, in building core capacity and competence. State and USAID programs have helped Iraqi civil society – including women’s groups, human rights organizations, budget transparency entities, and the media -- play an active role in Iraq’s democracy. We are also supporting Iraqi parliamentary efforts that produced the region’s most progressive non-governmental organization law. In December 2010, the United States also helped Iraq secure UN Security Council termination of most Chapter VII sanctions against Iraq, bringing Iraq into a more normal relationship with the community of nations.
Since November 2008, our security relationship with Iraq has undergone a significant transition. Building on the success and sacrifice of our troops who partnered with Iraqi Security Forces to bring an end to sectarian fighting and combat insurgency, we have ended the combat mission, reduced our troop level to below 50,000, and handed the lead for the security of their nation to Iraqi Security Forces. The Iraqis have developed the capacity to successfully provide internal security, as our forces have shifted from a combat role to a role focused on advising and training.
The U.S. has provided training, technical expertise, and equipment to bolster critical rule of law capacity in Iraq, focusing in particular on the police, corrections service, and judiciary. This investment has improved the Iraqi government’s ability to provide for the humane treatment and legal rights of its citizens, while also properly incarcerating criminals and insurgents.
On the economic front, we have worked to promote growth and reform in multiple sectors of Iraq’s economy. We have helped the Iraqis realize better management in key ministries with procedural and institutional reforms and training on international procedures and standards. U.S. programs have produced or supported key benchmarks:
§  Three transparent and efficient oil and gas bid rounds since 2009.
§  An Electricity Master Plan which lays out a strategy to improve and reform Iraq’s electricity sector.
§  Iraq setting up the first commercial court to settle arbitration disputes for international investors in 2011.
§  Iraqi ministry and provincial officials reforming agricultural policies and boosting productivity in a sector that is key to Iraq’s employment.
§  Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization to expand Iraq’s trade and global economic integration.
§  Iraq’s successful engagements with the IMF and World Bank to undertake key public financial management, social safety net, and banking sector reforms.
§  Intense interaction between U.S. and Iraqi businesses to promote investment in Iraq.

Our assistance has helped Iraq combat corruption with programs for integrity institutions: the Board of Supreme Audit, the Commission on Integrity, and the Inspectors General. Our assistance also helped Iraq produce and begin to implement a 2010 comprehensive national anti-corruption strategy.
We have promoted long-term economic growth, political development, and strong cultural links to the U.S. by assisting the educational sector in Iraq. Iraq has the largest Fulbright Foreign Visiting Student Program in Middle East, and the International Visitor Leadership Program in Iraq is the largest in the world. Iraq is the eighth-largest foreign government contributor to the Fulbright program. Additionally, USDA has cemented links between Iraqi universities and U.S. land grant universities to build an agricultural extension program.
Strengthening Iraq -  Source

The Coming Iraqi Business Boom



The expected announcement of Iraq's new government marks the culmination of a remarkable process. The former bully-boy of the Arab neighborhood has become its only functional democracy. What may be the world's richest resource economy, once the closed shop of a murderous clique, is today wide open for business.
Driven by what many geologists consider the world's largest oil reserves, Iraq will probably be the world's biggest crude oil producer within a decade. The country currently ranks second to Saudi Arabia in official reserves, with 143 billion barrels. With much of Iraq's exploration still to come after a three-decade hiatus, and with Saudi Arabia's reserves substantially inflated and already in decline, Iraq could take the mantle as No. 1 in fairly short order.
Iraq last year signed 12 oil contracts that promise to take output from under two million barrels per day currently—less than Algeria—to over 12 million by 2016. This timeline is probably optimistic, but the contracts will likely see Iraq surpass Saudi Arabia's 10 million to 11 million barrels per day within a decade. And these figures include no contributions from Iraqi Kurdistan, from natural gas reserves, or from new oil fields, with which the lightly-explored country is replete.
The Saudi comparison suggests that as Iraq's oil production rises, its economy could grow approximately six-fold over the coming decade—gross domestic product is currently $66 billion—and add a mind-boggling $300 billion in annual GDP. This means one of the largest economic reconstruction and development booms in history.
The entire Iraqi economy is being rebuilt. The government's electricity program has a $50 billion price tag. Baghdad has awarded the reconstruction of Sadr City to six Turkish companies at a cost of $11 billion. Nationwide, thousands of police stations, schools and clinics will be built. Airports, bridges, dams, railways and roads are being planned. The $20 billion Al Faw port project will create the leading port in the Persian Gulf. A modern army, air force and navy will be trained and armed. The investment programs of last year's 12 oil deals alone add up to well more than $200 billion.
The holy cities of Najaf and Karbala currently receive more annual visitors than Mecca but have almost no hotel space or modern residential facilities. Iraq's real-estate sector generally is warming up, with Abu Dhabi companies alone committing over $65 billion in the last year. New refineries, cement plants and steel mills are being financed across the country.
Iraq's greatest resource is its famously resourceful, tough, educated and enterprising people. Whereas the capitals of the Gulf oil monarchies did not have paved streets a generation or two ago, Baghdad and Basra are ancient capitals of commerce, ideas and global finance.
Oil, people and history are not Iraq's only advantages. One of the important food-exporting countries of world history, watered by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, Iraq possesses abundant agricultural potential. Located at the head of the Persian Gulf, Iraq is poised to regain its ancient role as a trade link between East and West. A modern rail system linking the Gulf to Europe via Turkey will provide Asian exports a faster, safer and cheaper alternative to the Suez Canal and the Horn of Africa.
Perhaps most important of all, Iraq's is a free economy. There is no ruling family, party or tribe in Iraq, and there is no culture of religious imposition.
There is strong evidence that Iraq can avoid much of the "oil curse" and build a more cosmopolitan and modern economy than those of its autocratic neighbors. In the last election, senior Iraqi leaders campaigned on, among other things, establishing individual oil accounts for Iraq citizens to receive their share of the nation's wealth directly. Unique among the region's resource economies, this would put the state at the mercy of the people, not the other way around.
The quality of Iraq's economic management is visible in the soundness of its macroeconomic picture. Inflation is under control at 5% per year, the government budget will likely be balanced with increased exports in 2011, and the Iraqi dinar (soon to appreciate as exports take off) has held steady against the U.S. dollar since early 2009. GDP growth, forecast by the International Monetary Fund to be 11.5% for 2011, is already among the highest in the world, with the investment boom barely in its infancy and the export surge yet to begin.
Corruption, of course, is a problem. But Iraq's oil industry, which accounts for 80% of the economy, is one of the world's most transparent. Last year's auctions were subject to competitive bidding, the contract terms were announced publicly, and the bids were opened live on national television.
To followers of extractive industries, it was previously unimaginable that this could happen outside of a few highly developed countries like Norway or Australia. This year Iraq was accepted on the membership track for the international Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. It is the only Middle Eastern oil country even to apply.
Violence in Iraq is now mostly a criminal matter. Over the past two years, the country has suffered fewer than 40% of the deaths by violence that Mexico has. Iraqi fatalities are now well below the levels seen during the quiet months immediately following the U.S invasion in 2003. A visit to Baghdad or Basra today isn't intimidating for businessmen accustomed to Lagos or Rio de Janeiro.
Bureaucracy is Iraq's biggest problem. Incorporating local entities is expensive and time-consuming. Obtaining a visitor's visa is absurdly difficult for a country requiring so much foreign investment. And numerous ministries and government agencies frequently claim authority over simple business matters. But the big picture for foreign companies is positive, as Iraq has a substantially more modern and liberal regulatory framework than almost any nearby country. Foreigners can own 100% of Iraqi companies, must pay only the 15% flat tax that the rest of the economy pays on profits, and may take 100% of those profits home when and how they please.
Nine months has been a long time to wait for a new government, but the process has happened peacefully and constitutionally. That's far more encouraging than all the country's oil reserves together.
The Coming Iraqi Business Boom -  Source

Siapapun Boleh Jadi Bakal Jutawan Dinar

Bolehkah anda menjadi jutawan tanpa menjalankan sebarang bisnes?

Bolehkah anda menjadi jutawan tanpa berjudi?
Bolehkah anda menjadi jutawan tanpa membeli sijil simpanan premium?
Bolehkah anda menjadi jutawan dengan cara yang mudah?
Bolehkah anda menjadi jutawan dengan kos paling murah?
Bolehkah anda menjadi jutawan tanpa bekerja?




Jika anda menyimpan RM 1000.00 tanpa diusik wang itu dengan institusi kewangan yang memberi dividen 10% setahun, selama:

5 tahun, ianya akan hanya mengumpul kurang RM2000.Miliki dinar sebagai koleksi yang akan bertukar menjadi BON yang bernilai pada masa akan datang !!Sementara stok masih ada!Ya, dengan menyimpan Dinar Iraq sehingga ianya diapungkan, anda berpotensi menjadi jutawan dengan kos paling murah. 
Apakah bukti Dinar Iraq akan naik?
Pengalaman Negara Iraq kurang lebih sama dengan Negara Kuwait. 

  • Harga Dinar Kuwait sebelum Perang Iraq-Kuwait ialah USD 3.30.
  • Semasa perang Iraq Kuwait pada 1990, ianya menjunam ke USD 0.30.
  • Selepas perang, ianya melonjak semula ke USD3.30 pada 2003,

Begitu juga nilai Dinar Iraq. Sebelum 2003, ianya pada harga USD 3.00 bagi satu dinar. Pada 2003, Amerika menceroboh Iraq dan menyebabkan harga dinar merudum ke paras harga lantai dan ditarik dari apungan, dengan harga tak sampai USD 0.10.

Dengan pemulihan ekonomi Iraq sejak 7 tahun lalu. Dinar Iraq dijangka akan melonjak semula ke paras harga asal atau atau paling kurang USD 0.30 atau RM 1.00 apabila diapungkan semula pada bila-bila masa dari sekarang.

Apabila jutawan Amerika Donald Trumph pun membeli dinar Iraq sebanyak USD 30 juta, ianya membayangkan bahawa Dinar Iraq ini akan naik dalam tempoh terdekat.Fikir-fikirkankanlah..Itulah rahsia orang kaya bertambah kaya..Formula buat duit dengan duit..PM Iraq dan beberapa orang anggota lembaga Bank Negara Iraq juga telah meminta Gabenor Bank Negara Iraq menilai semula nilai Dinarnya.
Apabila dinar diapungkan, maka dinar ini boleh dijual di mana-mana Pengurup Wang di negara ini.

Note Dinar Iraq ini ialah note baru yang dikeluarkan pada penghujung 2003, mengikut kualiti antara bangsa, bebas dari note palsu dan dicetak di UK (kilang yang sama mencetak wang Malaysia

Thursday, 21 April 2011

How Iraq able to pay dinar's holders

It amazes me that what is so obvious cannot be seen by some people.  I guess I may be fortunate to have had an education in economics.  I will try to explain to the last responder how he makes a fatal mistake just as Wayne Askew has done so.

I never said that the money supply TODAY is 25 billion dinars.  What I did say was that there has been an ongoing process to remove the large denominated notes, beginning in December of 2009 and continuing until the present.  It was stated clearly by Shabibi in December of 2009 that he had already withdrawn 50% of the large notes.  Then in February of 2010 he raised that to 70%.  All of the major dinar sites posted the articles when this occurred.

Yet the money supply has not fallen, has it?  Of course not!  Until the RV occurs it is absolutely necessary for the economy to continue to function.  A money supply of 30 trillion dinars today is therefore quite reasonable.

However, the CONTENT of the money supply is changing, and changing dramatically.  The large denominated notes are now essentially eliminated from the economy.  Therefore the money supply is almost entirely electronic at this point.  Iraq is, in fact, at a critical stage in that local commerce is difficult because they don’t have enough paper money.
Now, the ONLY solution to this, which has been planned for nearly 6 years, incidentally, is to introduce the small notes.  HOWEVER, this cannot occur except in conjunction with a revaluation of the dinar.

At the time of the RV the small denominated notes will be issued and commerce will continue as usual, except that the buying power of a 25 dinar note will be equal to roughly 4 of the original 25,000 dinar notes, assuming an RV rate of $4.

At this point, and not before, the money supply will drop precipitously until it reaches roughly 25 billion dinars.  How will this be accomplished?  Through investment!  As Iraqis invest their excess liquidity into REAL GOODS the money supply will gradually, and then more quickly, fall to the appropriate level.  The process may take a year or so, possibly longer.  That, however, is not our concern and certainly does not affect the RV.

The RV is a REALITY, folks.  I strongly suggest that someone offer to buy the last responder’s dinars from him, as well as Wayne Askews’.  Let’s put them both out of their misery, OK?
Clearly neither of these “economists” understand that taking a “picture” of events has little to do with the “process” of events.  What I have done, for many many months now, is explain the process AS IT IS PROCEEDING.  The “pictures” presented here by these two individuals have no bearing whatsoever on the overall process, which is ongoing.  In fact, the pictures show exactly what we would EXPECT them to show prior to the RV itself.  For them, nothing has changed, while in fact change has been occurring all around them.  I only hope that they will get their heads out of the sand in which they are located, stand up, look around, and see the truth of the PROCESS that is unfolding before their eyes as we speak.


Saya merupakan salah seorang yang menjalankan aktiviti menjual Koleksi Set Dinar Iraq. Saya telah membaca komen yang dibuat oleh Persatuan Pengguna Islam dan didapati bahawa mereka sendiri tidak mengetahui apa yang mereka perkatakan.

Adalah amat memalukan jika dilihat kepada tindak tanduk pemimpin di dalam persatuan tersebut yang kononnya memperjuangkan aktiviti kepenggunaan.

Sebelum saya menjalankan perniagaan ini, saya sendiri telah memeriksa dengan Bank Negara Malaysia mengenai status Koleksi Set dan terbukti tidak salah di sisi undang-undang ( BAFIA, AMLA).

Dua perkara berbeza, Koleksi Set dan Currency Trade. Koleksi Set Matawang tidak salah diniagakan tetapi jika menjalankan Currency Trade ( macam money changer ) anda perlukan lesen drpd BNM. Jangan mudah menuduh sesuatu itu skim kerana menyimpan matawang untuk dijadikan sebagai POTENSI MASA DEPAN adalah perkara biasa di luar negara dan sebahagian kecil komuniti yang memahaminya di Malaysia. Jika tidak tahu, bertanyalah kepada yang mengetahui.

Jangan hanya merujuk kepada satu dua orang yang menunujuk pandai di dalam bidang yang mereka sendiri bukan ahlinya. Saya sendiri merupakan lepasan di dalam bidang ekonomi dari salah sebuah Universiti Terkemuka di US. Adakah anda ingin mengatakan bahawa orang ramai yang sedang membeli Dinar Iraq di serata dunia merupakan orang yang terlibat dengan SKIM ataupun ditipu buta-buta.

Lihatlah sejarah matawang dunia secara terperinci dahulu. Adakah pihak Persatuan berani untuk mengatakan Dinar Iraq tiada nilai mahupun potensi masa depan? Ini adalah salah satu peluang bagi orang Melayu untuk mendapat sesuatu yang sangat berharga. Kaum Cina telah mendahului.

Kenapa apabila ada sahaja peluang yang datang, hanya orang Melayu sahaja yang dikatakan BODOH kerana terlibat dengan “SKIM”. Hello… ini zaman globalisasi.. satu dunia, sedang berlumba-lumba membeli Dinar.. cubalah rujuk sendiri di laman web Bank Pusat Iraq dan lihat sendiri STATISTIK tukaran matawang mereka. Orang bijak pandai hanya melihat kepada statistik dan fakta dan bukan kepada tuduhan melulu. Mengenai dakwaan PPI bahawa, sistem piramid digunakan di dalam urusan pemasaran, nampak sangat mereka ini belum cukup matang di dalam mengenali sistem Network Marketing..

Saya tidak mahu komen panjang-panjang mengenai Network Marketing, cuma PPI kenalah lihat dari aspek menyeluruh. Cuba lihat betapa banyak syarikat MLM di Malaysia yang kononnya berlesen tetapi mengaburi mata rakyat Malaysia dengan produk yang tidak berkualiti dan membuat moneygame? Saya rasa adalah lebih baik PPI menjalankan siasatan terperinci terhadap syarikat tersebut terlebih dahulun sebelum menuding jari kepada syarikat yang beroperasi secara global dan memberikan komisyen yang berpatutan.

Beginilah, saya tidak nampak sebarang kerugian dipihak yang membeli Dinar tersebut kerana mereka telah diterangkan dengan terperinci mengenai risiko pelaburan tersebut. Dan mereka melabur dengan rela hati dan sedikit pun tidak menjejaskan keadaan ekonomi mereka. Tanpa perlu bergolok bergadai, meminjam kepada bank seperti mana amalan biasa di syarikat2 MLM untuk jadi CEPAT KAYA dan tidak juga meminjam drpd bank seperti ketika dipujuk rayu untuk membeli AMANAH SAHAM.

Yaa… apa sahaja pelaburan ada risikonya. Kenapa tidak diperjuangkan orang2 yang membeli saham-saham amanah yang merudum jatuh sehingga tidak mampu bangun-bangun lagi? Kenapa ? Saya merasakan ada faktor tertentu yang menyebabkan pihak PPI bertindak mengeluarkan kenyataan sebegitu rupa. Dan semakin mereka mengeluarkan kenyataan yang berupa prejudis, semakin ramai yang menyertai “SKIM” tersebut. Adakah golongan cerdik pandai, profesional serta tokoh korporat yang menyertai “SKIM” tersebut, tidak pandai berfikir mahupun tertipu dengan FAKTA PALSU? Tepuk Dada Tanya Diri Sendiri.

Bagi saya, yang telah merantau dibanyak negara, telah banyak mengajar saya erti globalisasi dan dasar terbuka. Dan untuk pengetahuan PPI, saya merupakan salah seorang yang bertuah kerana pernah mendapat KEUNTUNGAN daripada kejatuhan matawang Dinar Kuwait dahulu dan juga ketika kejatuhan matawang Rupiah serta Baht. Hanya Jauhari yang mengenak Manikam.. Semoga bertemu di lain masa…

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

CBI study how to raise the value of the dinar

Monday, April 18, 2011
BAGHDAD – Adel Mahdi
Iraqi Central Bank announced that it is currently working on the preparation of a law regulating mechanism for the cancellation of three zeros from the Iraqi currency, and the valuation of the currency in circulation economic, external and internal, but he stressed that the House of Representatives is the owner of the final decision.
The adviser said the Central Bank of Iraq the appearance of Mohammed Saleh in a statement to «life»: «Central Bank of Iraq has to submit a law to regulate the process of removing three zeros from the Iraqi currency, sending it to the Council of Ministers, and then to the House of Representatives, to decide then whether there is a need to take such This decision is important and complex», stressing that «the central deal with this issue very carefully, because they may cause economic problems in the case of impulsive or perform any move that could disrupt the economic situation in the country».
The Iraqi Ministry of Finance announced in February (February) the past, that the deletion of zeros from the local currency will liberate the Iraqi economy from the constraints and enhance the value of the Iraqi dinar in the International Monetary Fund, while the CBI believes that this process is complex and in need of a thorough study».
Also showed the International Monetary Fund in August (August) past support for the Iraqi economy in the event of his number of economic measures, including the allocation of banks and raise three zeroes from the local currency and to meet debt and compensation is the responsibility of Iraq.
The news indicated recently that the Iraqi government plans to make changes to the local currency, including raising three zeros in order to reduce inflation suffered by the Iraqi market, triggering a wide reactions and fears in the domestic financial market, particularly with regard to the savings in Iraqi banks, and other issues related to term payments, salaries and pension entitlements and the stock market and bonds, while some observers have found that playing with zeroes would not be a save for the currency as it is critical to address the mentality of a trader Iraqi monetary unit, and try to bring hope in the hearts of Iraqis. They pointed out that the Iraqi economy will not improve under the budgets of financial deficit and balance of payments is suffering from mismanagement, what will make the Iraqi citizen a target for the pitfalls of monetary illusion that his income improved, and the highest value of the forme.
Will the Iraqi Dinar Revalue in?

2011 59%
2012 21%
2013 6%
2014 3%
2015 10%
271 votes tota

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Nilai RV


Pelaburan Dinar Iraq adalah pelaburan SAH di sisi undang-undang . Pelaburan ini adalah berlandaskan kepada pertukaran wang dan ia akan memberikan pulangan 500 peratus kepada mereka yang bersabar dan faham akan jenis pelaburan ini. Sama macam mereka yang melabur dalam matawang Dinar Kuwait & Afghanistan lalu, maka pelaburan Dinar Iraq adalah yang terbaik buat masa kini. Beli, simpan dan jual semasa diapungkan (RV) nanti, mudahan.

1 Dinar Bersamaan 1.1 USD?? Tunggu Berita Gembira Dari Parlimen Iraq dalam tempoh terdekat

Mungkin ramai yang masih belum faham, pengumuman Bank Negara Iraq semalam bahawa mereka akan menaikkan 3 sifar daripada Dinar Iraq. Ramai menyatakan bahawa Iraq akan mengugurkan 3 kosong dalam note mereka. Seperti yang jelaskan dalam entri sebelum ini, Iraq tiada niat untuk berbuat demikian. Bahkan mereka tak pernah sebut untuk lakukannya. Yang ada hanyalah untuk menaikkan 3 sifar dalam Dinar Iraq.

Apa maksud menaikkan tiga sifar dalam Dinar Iraq?? Maksudnya adalah sifar dalam dinar Iraq dinaikkan kepada tiga kenaikan. Contoh mudah, nilai 1 USD yang bersamaan dengan 1170 Dinar Iraq (IQD) ketika ini, dinaikkan ke 3 sifar, menjadi 1.117 Dinar Iraq. Maksudnya ialah 1 USD bersamaan dengan 1.1 IQD. Diulangi, 1.1 IQD. Secara automatik Dinar dah RV. Jika kita sebelum ini menyimpan 1 juta Dinar Iraq, bermakna kita akan mendapat 1.1 JUTA USD.(1 juta x 1.1). Kalau ditukarkan ke Malaysia, menjadi RM 3 JUTA (1.1 juta USD x 3.02176). Woow...jutawanlah kita semua.

Dan inilah yang disampaikan oleh Penasihat CBI semalam, Mohammad Salleh. Cadangan menaikkan 3 sifar sekarang ini telah diajukan kepada kabinet Iraq dan juga Parlimen. Cadangan ini diusulkan disebabkan oleh keyakinan Iraq bahawa mereka mampu untuk mengeluarkan minyak 6 hingga 12 juta tong sehari (Bayangkan 1 tong dlm 100 USD..12 juta tong sehari???) . Bahkan ada laporan menyebut bahawa Iraq memiliki simpanan minyak lebih daripada 500 bilion, termasuk Gas dan Sulfur. Bayangkan...

Dan mungkin cadangan menaikkan 3 sifar ini akan mendapat kelulusan Parlimen Iraq. Kerana pada Februari lalu, Kementrian Kewangan Iraq menyatakan bahawa kenaikan 3 sifar dari mata wang Iraq akan membebaskan ekonomi Iraq daripada sedia ada dan meningkatkan nilai Dinar Iraq di Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF). Bahkan IMF sendiri menyatakan pada akhir Ogos lalu bahawa mereka menyokong ekonomi Iraq termasuk dalam soal penswastaan
​​bank dan meningkatkan tiga sifar dari mata wang Dinar Iraq untuk negara terbabit membangunkan ekonomi dan membayar hutang serta pampasan yang perlu dijelaskan oleh negara Iraq. Wah nampaknya sokongan Iraq dan IMF sendiri dalam usaha menaikkan 3 sifar ini.

Tujuannya menaikkan 3 sifar ini adalah untuk mengurangkan inflasi dan mengurangkan kos transaksi serta pembawaan wang tunai. Tapi tujuan utamanya adalah untuk menaikkan matawang Dinar Iraq itu sendiri (RV maknanya). Dan jika cadangan ini dilaksanakan, Iraq akan mendapat laba yang besar. Duit mereka di pasaran akan menjadi besar hingga boleh mencecah 27 trilion dinar Iraq. Sebab itulah ramai pakar ekonomi menyatakan bahawa Iraq boleh menjadi seperti China dan Brazil pada 20 tahun akan datang. Negara mereka akan duduk sebaris dengan negara kaya di rantau Arab seperti Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar dan Arab Saudi tak lama lagi.

Inilah berita yang paling mendebarkan dan menyejukkan jiwa kita sejak 7 tahun lalu. Jika cadangan menaikkan 3 sifar ini diterima, secara jelas dan nyata...Dinar Iraq akan RV. Sujud syukur kita semuanya nanti. Sebab itulah dalam entri saya semalam, saya yakin yang Bank Negara Iraq akan lakukan selari dengan apa yang kerajaan Iraq minta. Sebab Bank Negara Iraq dan kerajaan tak boleh buat keputusan yang memandai-mandai, tanpa persetujuan Maliki itu sendiri. Jadi rumour kata Bank Negara Iraq nak buang 3 kosong, hanya cerita rekaan semata-mata. Yang ada adalah untuk menaikkan 3 sifar itu sendiri. Yang dalam bahasa ekonominya adalah untuk membolehkan Dinar itu RV sendiri dalam masa terdekat
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

"Sesungguhnya (hanyalah) orang-orang mu’min itu bersaudara” (Al-Hujuraat :10)

Ayuh Saudara ku sekalian Kita semarakkan persaudaraan Muslim di Dunia Maya ini

Letakkan Kalimah Lailahaill Allah di BloG anda Sebagai Tanda SokonGan!

"Bersatu Kita Teguh Bercerai RoboH"